

As a consequence, the SRA during playback - what ...I will call “dynamic SRA” decreases compared to the value set in static conditions. If one aims at a static SRA of 92˚, the dynamic SRA could easily get closer to 90˚ than what one might …

Dynamic SRA

Dynamic SRA Why dynamic SRA? Few people are aware of a phenomena that occurs when the SRA - stylus rake angle - is set with the record not spinning. Once the record is being played, the friction with the stylus generates a pulling force th…

SAT 新型!?

昨夜のDSオーディオ訪問記事を書いたあと、妙な気がかりがあった。SATの上下可動範囲が狭いと書いて、あのときの感触と実物を反芻していた・・・。 写真は、試聴を終えて青柳氏がスタイラスカバーを装着した状態だ。 許可を得て写真を撮った。 SATを…